
Volunteer Needs:

1901 Aberg Ave 2nd Tiny House Village Project

For now through the end of the year (2020) you can sign up to volunteer here.  Make sure to check out all the tabs and the descriptions at the top of each tab.

Join us on Facebook for addition volunteer information.

4 thoughts on “Volunteer”

  1. Hi there! I just stumbled upon your project this morning after a week of building with Habitat for Humanity in Mississippi. While there & in surrounding states, the rate of homeless really got to me. While I love Habitat, there’s just some people that even we can’t help. I love your creative ideas, but I live in Illinois (for now–soon to live in New Orleans) and I don’t have a very disposable income as far as donations. I was wondering if there’s anything I could do to help from far away? or if you had any affiliates in other states?

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