Board of Directors

Brenda Konkel, President

Tim Jones and Thomas Andreas,  Co-Vice Presidents

Siddiq DeShazer, Secretary

Brenda Konkel and Keith Moore, Co-Treasurers

Russ Albers

Christopher Derrick

Sofia Martinez

Bob Roberts

Deena Dayton

Jose Quintero

Sean Gere

8 thoughts on “Board of Directors”

  1. What a wonderful website……and people! Thank you so much! I want to help but am too old!! I would like to know if there are folks who could help me with yard work…….from your homeless group……….or volunteers………..I wonder if you could build a pool of folks who could work for Seniors who cannot afford to hire someone…………..but who could pay a little…….and show trust and desire to help…………and mentor……… let me know? My heartfelt.thanks……….Agnes Jaeckel……249-0803

    1. I just love what you are doing… I wish I could be part of all this, there is such a need in every state… will you be starting this in another state???… I am starting my last chapter in life and would love to part of this… I will be moving to Lawrence Kansas at the end of December… would love to come to Madison at some point when weather warms up and volunteer thankyou for what you do… darlene

      1. We are willing to share our knowledge, but at this point we still have to raise another $100,000 and we need to finish phase 2 & 3 and hopefully get another piece of property here! Thanks for your interest, stop by if you’re in the state.

  2. Hi! Love, love, love all of your work!! I am looking to do something similar to this here in Florida. I have passion, time, drive and determination. I lack the “know how”. I’ve begun my research and would appreciate some guidance if you are willing to share your knowledge. Thank you!

    1. Hi Thelma, thanks for your comment!
      I would be willing to answer any questions you have. Most everything is on the website, though specific zoning questions I would have to refer to someone else. I would love to see Tiny Villages all over the U.S.! 🙂

  3. Remarkable news…Chico Housing Action Team (CHAT) has signed the first of three agreements with Butte County Behavioral Health (BCBH) that may culminate in the launch of the first tiny home village in our county (to be populated by referrals from BCBH).

    Next hoop… I need to put together a believable operating budget that our BOD will be ok with. This village is planned to go from bare dirt to 15 to 20 – 10′ x 12′ tiny homes that will be equipped with flush toilets (to City sewer), running water, mini frig, micro wave and HVAC. The village will also have a 12′ x 60′ community building with all the rest of the amenities. The biggest budget (buster) is payroll.

    So my questions are:

    How many paid staff would you guess would be necessary to run a village like this?

    What percentage of participants in your program had a diagnosed mental health issue moving in? Does your village have paid staff and or dedicated social workers?


    Are you aware of another tiny home village specifically for referrals from the county mental health unit?

    Thank you for your thoughts,

    Charles Withuhn, CHAT

    1. We have no paid staff. Our village is self-governed. We do have volunteers who provide outside support. The Village Collaborative on Facebook is a good resources for other villages.

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